THE iZZONN Terms of use

1. The purpose and definition of the prescription a member uses
"THE iZZONN" is the name of the website, making service which THE iZZONN offers, and that prescription prescribes conditions in case of using this service.
A user of this service needs agreement of this terms of service in using this service.
A user is regarded to have agreed to this terms of service **1** he or she applies to this service even if there is no specific agreement to this terms of service.
2. Member registration
1. A user completes application according to an user's registration procedure of thi service after having consented to all these prescriptions, and he or she will able to use this service as a user.
2. A member is considers to have consented to all these prescriptions by registering as a member.
3. There are cases for us to omit the registration of a user whise registration is completed, if we judge there are unsuitabilities to offer him or her our service.
3. A user's duty
1. A user is prohibited every act that seems to prevent normal adminiistration of this service.
2. A user conserves ID in member registration and password at his or her responsibility of self and carries responsibility to manage them not to leak these to the third person.
3. All of acts done by ID and the password that a user has is treated as the responsibility of the user having them.
1. Acts against laws.
2. Acts encroaching others intellectual property rights and acts infringing copyrights.
3. Slanders and any kind of acts to make others uncomfortable.
4. Any kind of acts to influence, hinder or inconvenience the management of this service.
5. To get part or all of such systems as programs offered to this service and to use them for different purpose.
6. An act to infringe all books including software of thii service.
7. An act to be similar to reverse engineering.
8. All acts we judge unsuitable in managing this service and maintaining our copyright.
9. A publicataion of every content to be similar to adult relation.
10. The others, acts we judge unsuitable and all of ontents.
11. Acts against user's license.
On acts to full under above, we can take such steps as erasion of a user's regstration, elimination of data and steps we judge necessery.
In addition, we are able to demand damage compensation to a user who has infringed intellectual property rights or coptrights and who has caused damages on us.
5. Immunity from responsibility
1. Though we do business to offer this service, it is not to guarantee that it is permanent.
2. The data stored in the server which a user uses by this service do not guarantee its maintenance at all we do not carry any resposibility for such as the disappearance of data in a server.
3. When a user suffers damages by the use of this service we are not resposible for it and we have no responsibility for damage compensation.
4. When a user or the third party suffer damages inn managing or ussing this service, we do not carry any responsibility including damage compensation.
5. When the service is not available temporarily due to the natural disaster, accidents, communication network obstacles or other factors, and because of that or user or the third party suffers damages, we are not responsible for it, and we do not return the money paid during those period.
6. Without notifying a user of this service we can add change to one part of contents of this service.
7. We do not guarantee the behavior of this service on any computational environment or communication environment.
8. We have no responsibility to modify this service for specified environment.
1. Amember is to pay the rate ruled by us according to our payment method for what he or she receivesthrough the service.
2. When there are any changes about rates or our payment methods, we are to inform each user of them.
3. When a user doesn't pay the rate necessary for the service longer than the appointed period, we are to stop offering the service for him or her.
4. We do not return the money paid to us by a user at any account under any reason.
7. Start of the service
1. A user is to finish our registration precedure to receive this service and he or she can receive this service whenn he or she has access to our website for his or her registration completion.
2. After registration, the precedures of its completion are not fully finished, we are able to cancel it and we do not offer this service.
7. Temporary interruption of this service
1. We do the maintainance neccessary for a normal management of this service suspending it temporarily without informing users of it in some caaes.
2. When a users or the third party suffers damages by temporary interruptious of this service, we are not responsible for it.
8. Termination of this service.
1. We can finish this service after having notified a user of this service.
2. At the end of this service we can eliminate and discard the software of this service and any of user's data, and we are not obliged to keep any of them.
3. Please note that the Subscription Fees are non-refundable under any circumstance.
4. Subscription Fees are non-refundable in the event of any termination of the subscription or this agreement regardless of the reason for such termination.
9. Cancellation of this service by user.
1. If a user, who has paid the rate for a certain period, cancels his or her contract, we do not return the paid money at the middle of the contract.
2. We do not keep any of a user's data after the cancellation of the contract.
3. The website address which was used by a user who cancels his or her contract can be used by other users after the cancellation.
10. changes to Terms of Use
1. We are able to change this agreement if necessery notifying our users.
2. When a user continues to use this service after changing of this agreement, he or she is regarded to have consented to the changed agreement.
11.Privacy Policy
We observe the protection and guidees of individual information as provided by law, and we establish principles of the protection of individual information.

1. Individual information should be acquired on a clear purpose, and it is to be used and managed properly.
2. We do not offer to the thhird party any of individual information we have gotten at user's registration except in case of our agreement written below.
3. We employ a person in charge of managing individual information and those who are allowed to treat it are to be in his command and to be limited to the department in charge of individual information which manages it severely.
4. When this service is finished, the person in chrge of individual information and the department in charge of it are to erase or discard any of individual information properly.
5.When the disclosure of information is needed (when it is dermaged by laws, public institutions or other similar ones, and when we think it necessery to disclose it under social responsibilities ), we are allowed to use or disclose the information we keep.
6. When a user registration is not completed by him or her after he or she applies for this service, we get at his or her application for registration.

Copyright THE iZZONN All Rights reserved.